Saudi artist Haitham Al-Shawali finishes filming "Alexandria"


Published on:
Tuesday, July 17, 2018 – 22:14
| Last update:
Tuesday, July 17, 2018 – 22:14

Saudi artist Haitham Al-Chaouli finished filming and editing the song "Alexandria" which will be broadcast on Egyptian satellite channels of Hussein Ahmed, who directed several songs for Shawli in the 1990s.

The first Saudi artist to sing for Alexandria because of his long stay in Egypt During his medical studies and artistic work in the 1990s, he sang in 2005

. Al-Shawli expresses her pleasure in singing the song "Alexandria", saying that "it's a simple gift for the people of Alexandria that I love and respect."


A future Shawli artistic project is that he is preparing to shoot the song "Win Asmar" of the new album on the north coast of Agadir

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