Saudi News – 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of 3 million penalties publishing false news


You see Saudi news – 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of 3 million penalties publishing false news
Posted by: Paris News
The official record of the Procuratorate published Monday a tweet on the website of the blog "Twitter", in which the sentence of imprisonment for information crime of 5 years and a fine of up to 3 million of riyals, in spreading and promoting false news and rumors.

The following is read as follows: "To produce or prepare rumors or false news that could harm public order, to send them or redistribute them via the Internet or social networks is a crime of 39; information. And a fine of three million riyals. "

You read the news:" Saudi News – 5 years imprisonment and a fine of 3 million penalties publishing false news "on the site of Paris-Beyouz which publishes the most important local and international news In order to be in harmony with the specificity of our position, we must inform your Excellency that Article "Saudi News – 5 years of imprisonment and a fine of 3 million penalties for the publication of false news" has been removed from the site "Sadi journal" and you can read the news from its original site "Sadi diary" Thanks for following us. [19659003] Follow us on for the latest news

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