Schubert mocks Ahli's spokesperson: "We gave violin lessons"


Ahmed Shubair said that the board of directors of the Al-Ahli Club has granted the advisor to Turki Al-Sheikh, president of the General Authority of Sport in Saudi Arabia, the presidency of honor of Fort Al-Hamra. "Turki Al-Sheikh is offered to recruit international players and contract with a world-clbad manager after the deterioration of the team's results at the end of last season, but the club refused . "

Sheikh trying to restrain the Moroccan Walid Azaro, because I know that uh Oy is not happy with his departure, and standing next to the board of Al Ahli club will not prevent us from criticizing him when & ## He makes mistakes We have often criticized many of his decisions. "

" Turki Al-Sheikh gave up his presidency "After all the problems between Turki Al-Sheikh and the Al-Ahli club, all sides went in peace, but some do not want stability or stability. ;improvement."

Things. "

He continued:" We all know that the Al-Ahli club and its fans will not be "We have agreed that no one will interfere in his administrative and sovereign affairs, and I have never begged to leave the Sheikh to support Al-Ahly.We know that Ahli and Zamalek throughout history have businessmen who support them. "

Al-Ahli Club and Turki Al-Sheikh, and our goal is to fully serve the club and its board of beliefs, and the attack of social networking sites will not stop our efforts to work on what we see in favor of Al-Ahli and Egyptian football. "

A member of the board of directors of the club or a spokesman for him, where is the crisis in the intervention of this window With Turki Al-Sheikh?"

He concluded: "We have tried to bring together and bring the views of the Ahli board with Mr. Turki Al-Sheikh, I do not have a personal page on Facebook, I have an official page on Twitter only. "

" Business leaders support international clubs and that's normal, and I promised viewers to present individualities before everyone else. "

Commenting on the statements of Sheriff Fouad, the official spokesperson for the Ahli club, Wali pointed out that during his spokesman, saying, "We have taught the violin and please teach us Thank you very much, and I learned from you and not Hennen "I did not talk, I spoke like a loving Kahlawi, not like a club member, and I thank you for the free lesson, Professor Sharif, I hope this will take place at this point, we are not in need (N, f, f, f, f, f, f, ffq) Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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