Scientists confirm that the recovery of the black hole in the interior of the planet


Scientists confirm that the recovery of a black hole inside the planet, according to the Nile, transmits the site of the newspaper Al-Wasat containing scientific information confirming the recovery of a black hole inside the planet. , Source of Antarctica, claiming that the flow of "neutrino" currents (first particle with a mbad much smaller than the mbad of the electron, and not an electrical charge) indicates recovery from a black hole to the inside of the planet.

A comprehensive report on the Antarctic study was published by Physical Review Letters on June 29, and scientists have since reported their findings.

The radio signal was first captured by ANITA, an antenna sensor capable of capturing even the smallest oscillations in the Antarctic.

The latest data indicate that there are neutrino fluxes from the ice, where they can not determine their source, but they are like a black hole that grows to the inside of the earth .

Scientists believe that there are thermal nuclear reactions occurring inside the blue planet, according to him, such interactions are not only on the surface of the sun, but in the nucleus of the Earth.

Some have proved that this interpretation is the most logical, explaining the sudden changes in the Earth's magnetic field, volcanic activity and global warming.

Al-Wasat Journal

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Source: Nilin

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