Scientists reveal one of the main reasons for the development of diabetes


A recent study in Lancet Planetary Health suggests that the rapid increase in the number of people with diabetes worldwide may be related not only to obesity but also to the pollution of the body. air. "Our study shows that there is a remarkable relationship between the level of air pollution and the rate of growth of people with diabetes in all countries of the world, where the number is increasing even at levels of pollution. the lowest, "says Ziad al-Ali. WHO is acceptable, which indicates the need to change these standards. "

Ziad al-Ali and his team indicate that the belief among doctors is that the increase in the number of people with diabetes at a rapid pace, linked to obesity and overweight, but the Study found that diabetes even appeared in countries that do not suffer from obesity, Afghanistan, New Guinea and other African countries.

Scientists have tried to understand the reasons for this situation by badyzing all the differences between the countries most affected by the disease It has become clear that air pollution is a factor common to all countries where diabetes is "epidemic" Estimating the number of people with diabetes because of car exhaust gases and industrial emissions.To this end, scientists have collected the findings of observations on the health of diabetics and healthy people in the United States and in d & # 39; Other countries of the world, and then transferred them to air pollution maps.

These results show that the risk of diabetes begins when the level of pollution increases by 2.4 milligrams per cubic meter, for example, the risk of living in conditions of contamination is 10 milligrams per cubic meter more than the Diabetes rate of 21% Acceptable

Doctors confirm that "due to air pollution, the number of people with diabetes increases every year by 3.2 million, which means that Industry and car emissions lead to an increase in the number of diabetics. The world has 420 million people.

Source: Novosti

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