Secrets of the Week: New Revealed Images Reveal iPhone X Plus and iPhone Phone Design


Arab Secrets / Yemen

Monday, July 30, 2018 10:10 AM

A month before Apple announces its new phones, new models have appeared on the Internet to review the design of two upcoming iPhone phones, showing that the iPhone The X Plus 6.5 inches is essentially identical to the iPhone X, the only difference being the large size of the new model.

This means that the new phone will be supported by the same glbad design and stainless steel frame, with the vertical camera that houses two cameras and a dual LED flash. [1969004] The model also reveals that the new phone will keep the same order The left side is the mute and mute button, and a separate audio button, while the right side will have a long main button, which also serves as a shortcut to Siri.

The small handset will be 6.1 inches and will be sold under the iPhone brand (2018) at launch and will be the company's cheapest phone to be launched in 2018. Like the new iPhone X and X Plus, the model will adopt a brand new design on the screen, with thicker edges due to the nature of the LCD, will retain the design of the glbad, with the dual camera backlight switch with a rear camera , offering a design similar to the iPhone 4.

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News: The secrets of the week : New Revealed Images Reveal iPhone X-Plus and iPhone 9 Phone Design. (19659008) Read More

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