Seminar on "Cinema of the South Bank" by "Mediterranean"


We offer you the most important news in the following article:
A seminar on the "Cinema of the South Bank" in the Mediterranean from Fajr's website, Thursday 5 July 2018.

On the sidelines of the first session of the Menas Mediterranean Film Festival in Tunis, to be held from 9 to 15 July A debate on "Film Dynamics of the South Bank of the Mediterranean", where the French critic, General Delegate of the Critics' Week and the President of the Global Fund for Cinema Support Charles Tyson, will meet the producer and producer Nabil Ayouch and the chief operator Jacques Viasque.

The first edition of the Menarat Mediterranean Film Festival in Tunis, organized by the National Center of Cinema and Image, the French Institute of Tunis, the National Center of French Cinema and sponsored by the Bank Arab International Tunis, will take place from 9 to 15 July. State of the World

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