Sensitivity of women to bitter taste indicates a risk of cancer


New research suggests that bitter taste sensitivity is an indicator of an increased risk of cancer, especially in women. The researchers explained that women who are very sensitive to bitter taste eat few vegetables containing anti-cancer-based herbal substances, thus weakening their degree of prevention.
The study was conducted by a joint team from the University of Leeds and the United States of America, and the results were published in the European Journal. The research was based on health data for 5,500 British women over 20 years old.
The participants were divided into three groups: the first: the high sensitivity to bitter taste, the second: the bitter taste of bitter taste, and the third: those who do not deny the bitter taste and do not affect not their choices.
The results showed that women who have a bitter taste are the most vulnerable to cancer and that their consumption of vegetables that protect against tumors is very low because of their bitter taste, such as broccoli and cauliflower .
The researchers note that the risk of cancer increases in bitter-tasting allergies to 58%, and to 40% in those with moderate bitter taste compared to those who are not.

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