Seoul denies a dispute with Washington over how to disarm Pyongyang


The South Korean Chairmanship denied the possibility of a dispute with the United States on how to get rid of North Korea's nuclear program, stressing that the common goal of total denuclearization North has not changed . "The position of our government will remain unchanged from what was contained in the Panmunjom Declaration and the Singapore Declaration, which confirmed the objectives of the Panmunjom Declaration ," presidential spokesman Kim Ayo-kyum said Thursday.

His remarks follow recent media reports that the United States has decided to reorient its strategy towards the gradual demilitarization of North Korean nuclear weapons under the clear postponement of Pyongyang to eliminate its nuclear weapons. His weapons were laid in facilities used in the production of nuclear weapons .

The presidential spokesman in Seoul did not confirm whether the US position had already changed, saying only that his country was working to implement the joint statement issued by the meeting of the leaders of both Koreas with precision

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is due to visit North Korea on Friday for talks, the first after the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore last month to discuss how Pyongyang has abandoned its nuclear weapons.

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