Shawki: Huddersfield will not spend Ramadan .. Ahly has not negotiated the English club


Abdelkader Said

He wrote:

Abdelkader Said

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

4:24 p.m.

Nadi Shawki, player agent Ramadan Sobhi, confirmed that the management of Al Ahli's club had not yet entered into negotiations with Huddersfield to join the young player in January.

"Ramadan Sobhi is still in Huddersfield, all he needs is a chance to play continuously, but we'll see what happens next January," Shawki said.

It has been reported time and time again that Ahly wanted to sign Ramadan Subhi in January to compete in the African Champions League this season, starting with the group stage with Red.

"Huddersfield told me that he would not be under control by Ramadan, that the player was still with them and that the club had not yet entered into negotiations with the English club to join the player "said the agent of the player.

Shawki added: "Ramadan joined the Olympic team because of its desire to play, in addition to the desire of Shawki Gharib, who badured the player that the young team needed his services."

"Ramadan Sobhi has not had a problem for three years in England, he has good relations with his coaches and the media," concluded Nader Shawqi.

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