Sherine Abdel Wahab rebels against his love of the art of family in the "way"


"Dalila" is a young lover of singing and art, facing her family and refusing to obey the orders of her mother, who tries by all means to prevent her girl to get involved in the artistic world. The reality of his career and his own way, in the social drama "My Way", written by Tamer Habib and directed by Mohammed Shaker Khudair, is the first tour of the star Sherine Abdel Wahab, after his participation in the film "Mido Mashakbal . "

With star Sherine Abdel Wahab, both Bbadel Khayat, Ahmed Fahmy, Mohamed Mamdouh, Mohamed A

The series revolves around a talented young woman called "Dalila", struggling to climb from zero to celebrity, and confront her with her father, she was tormented by the oppression and injustice of her mother, prevented by family tradition from accepting her daughter working in the field of art and refusing to think about singing professionally.

As his younger brother Yasin (Mohammed Adel) helps and allows him to easily get out of the house to participate in some artistic competitions, his older brother Sid (Muhammad Mamdouh) acquiesces to his mother's orders, but continues to hurt her sister, Al-Manisi (Bbadil Khayyat) – who appears angelic to Dalila's eyes – before her teeth are released after her marriage and prevent her from entering the world of art .

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