Shock for fans of "Blackberry" .. The service "BPM" breathed his last breath

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An instant messenger program B B M BBM, The first instant messaging software over the phone, was exclusively for phones "Blackberry"Before being available on other phones.

The program, launched in 2005, has not withstood the huge expansion and development of talk shows offered by smartphones.

The business justified "Blackberry"His decision to end the application of low turnout and direct users to other chat programs, especially with the development of large applications" Watsab "And" Facebook Facebook " And other programs.

Users must "B B M" Save their picture messages before they lose access by Friday at midnight.

On the other hand, this allows "Blackberry" IBM BBMe services, which will provide an encrypted mail service on the desktop.


BBM, the first instant messenger program on phones, was exclusively for BlackBerry phones before being available on other phones.

The program, launched in 2005, has not withstood the huge expansion and development of talk shows offered by smartphones.

Blackberry has justified its decision to end the application with a low turnout and has directed users to other online chat programs, especially with the great development of Watsab's apps, Facebook, Messenger and other programs.

BPM users must record their picture messages before losing access by midnight Friday.

On the other hand, BlackBerry will offer BBMi services to companies, which will provide encrypted email services on the desktop.

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