Side effects of varicose vein treatment


News: The side effects of varicose vein treatment, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news website News News website, an information website was created in 2016 to provide complete news content to introduce you to the news Many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical arena and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the website site News, side effects of treatment of varicose veins,

Saturday, July 7, 2018 19:05 New Varicose veins of the problems prevalent in the recent period, especially in women, there are solutions and ways to get rid of the problem of varicose veins, including the treatment and treatment of varicose veins. But there may be some side effects of varicose veins with laser.

Varicose veins Varicose veins are a disease caused by the expansion of superficial veins, especially in the legs and feet, which is one of the most vulnerable veins, accompanied by pain and discomfort and may cause severe ulcers with a lack of circulation. . 2 – the appearance of clots in the veins of the leg or to stand for long periods or to walk in the wrong position where the pressure on the blood veins resulting in varicose veins.

3 – occurs because of age, as with age lose flexibility of varicose veins.
4- Varicose veins expand the blood veins, especially during pregnancy, where blood flow is reduced, especially leg blood to the pelvic area Bloody aims to support the fetus.

Treatment of varicose veins:
Varicose veins are treated in different ways, for example by laser: varicose veins are divided into surgical treatment or laser, the laser beam is a beam of light at high concentration Physicians in the treatment of many diseases, including the treatment of large veins and it is through the intake of venous heat and the use of closing veins and thus stop blood flow in the veins dies or may disappear completely.

Laser therapy is a simple treatment that is laser-treated treatment of veins through the outer surface of the skin and by laser sessions determined by the physician and in most cases each 6-week session at 12 weeks, and can be treated When the doctor on the sonar in the vein identification then pbades the laser fibers through a thin tube and guided by sound waves followed by the transmission of radiation by which the vein and occurs under the influence of anesthesia and then return to normal activities naturally.

Characteristics of laser treatment:
laser treatment is one of the best methods, for several advantages:
1 – When laser treatment is anesthesia only affected region does not resort not to the doctor for complete anesthesia and therefore takes a little time.

2 – The success rate of this type of treatment exceeds 99%.
3. The speed of healing and return to normal life for the exercise of natural activities is great after this type of treatment.

Side effects of laser therapy:
Laser treatment causes some negative effects such as:
1 – Certain burns may occur in the skin in the laser treated area.
The skin is common in the use of the laser.
3 – There may be blood clots, but these expectations are minimal but possible.

4. There are nerve damage in the veins to be treated
5 – This process may require several times and several sessions until the successful removal of these varicose veins with the help of. a laser.

6 – The patient may experience severe pain after the completion of laser treatment, but this pain can be overcome by painkillers.
7 – Loss of sense of the treated area but with the time one feels it.
Swelling or bruising may occur after several days.
9. Laser therapy is a rather expensive treatment.

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