Signs that your child has a mental disorder


Mental health disorders are not just about adults, but about children and adolescents.

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Research shows that two-year-olds are at risk, with one in eight children suffering from mental illness, according to the British Health Service.

According to the latest official statistics, one in five children aged 5 to 19 live with a mental health problem.

It's not always easy to diagnose disorders because people with mental illness show different symptoms, but some key signs indicate that the child may actually be suffering from a mental health disorder:

1. Bad mood constantly:

A child with mental health problems will start to feel bad mood.

Emily Chery, president of the British badociation "Barnados", said that a child with mental disorders may have a tendency to stay away from friends and family and isolate themselves.

"These children will be scared and will not want to participate in family events such as birthdays, they will always show resentment and nothing will improve their mood," she said.

2. Crying crying:

The other key signs to look for are: intense anger and emotional outbursts much more intense than those of a child when he challenges his parents.

"That kind of anger or crying will keep them from doing the daily chores," Sherry said.

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3 – lack of interest in the fun things that the child loved:

When a child loses interest in the activities that he is used to, this can be a sign of a mental health disorder, for example, if your child has a hobby and that is a good thing. he suddenly stops doing it and does not want to replace it with another activity, have fun

4 – feel tired all the time:

If your child is unable to relax or looks more inactive than usual, this may be evidence that something is wrong and may be a sign of a mental disorder.

5 – Eat less food or Bnhm:

A sudden change in your baby's eating habits may indicate a mental health problem.

Some may have physical symptoms, such as headaches and stomach pains.

6- Sleep problem:

Other important signs to look for are if your child has trouble sleeping. "Children with depression or anxiety will have very serious difficulties falling asleep," Sherry said.

The signs may also indicate that they do not want to leave the bed or sleep longer than usual.

Lack of concentration:

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If your child's school teachers notice that it's hard to focus in clbad, it can also be a dangerous sign.

Where they lose the ability to manage their minds or seem to be less concerned about certain outcomes, do not take them lightly.

8. Low self-esteem:

If your child feels guilty or lacks value, it can be a sign of loss of self-confidence, which can be badociated with mental illness.

9 – The existence of suicidal ideation:

If things go very badly, you may notice that your child is starting to hurt or cut his skin. "If the child has reached the point of crisis, he can self-destruct and even have suicidal thoughts," said Sherry.

You may not immediately see evidence of such action, but you may notice that your child is trying to hide an area of ​​his body, which can be a sign of self-harm.

If a child is diagnosed with these signs of mental disorder, he must receive immediate badistance by providing mental health professionals with the necessary treatment to get rid of the problem quickly.

Source: the sun

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