Sirin Labs reveals the format and specifications of the first digital phone


Sirin Labs Unveils the Shape and Specification of the First Digital Phone for Digital Currency Our newspaper, citing Andoride, releases Sirin Labs, the world's first digital phone company, to unveil the format and specifications of the first digital phone.

Our report revealed that Finney is a secure "secondary screen" pulled from the back, operating on an independent platform, with the goal of Improving the security of the digital currency wallet stored in the phone.

A day later Just one of the announcements from HTC that he is determined to launch his mobile phone for HTC Exodus owners in the fall of 2018, Sirin Labs, who preceded HTC , came out with a phone that has hardware and special technologies to support what is called blockchain encryption, the security technology that forms the basis of digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Sirin Labs announced today the specification of the first phone supporting technology from the Finney series, and not only, the design of the phone.

The company revealed that Finney comes with a secondary "security screen" pulled from the back, To enhance the security of the digital currency wallet stored in the phone.

Sirin Labs, who will produce the phone in conjunction with Foxconn, said in a statement that this secondary screen would be able to independently verify the transmission of Finney's portfolio transactions The correct addresses, allowing users to verify that They are not deceived by malware or hackers to send their confidential messages or tokens to a deceptive third party.

The company revealed that the phone will run Sirin OS, a high security version, It also revealed a number of benefits to bring.

Lima on the phone specifications, we remind them that it will work with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor, it will provide random access size 'Ram' 6 Jijaaitat memory and 128 Jijaaata internal storage space. It will come with a Gorilla Glbad back and a metal frame.

The screen will be a tilt of 6 inches and a dimension with an aspect ratio of 18: 9 and a resolution of 2160 × 1080 pixels. The rear camera will be exactly 12 megapixel with an f / 1.8 slot, and the front is precisely 8 megapixel with a f / 2.2 slot. The battery will be 3,280 mAh

What do you think of the design and specifications of the first phone that supports block-band technology? Let us know in the comments.

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