Sisi greets the Greek Prime Minister of the victims of the fire


Sisi greets the Greek Prime Minister of the victims of the fire .. confirms: ready to support


Thursday, July 26, 2018

The President of the Republic of Algeria, Mr. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, telephoned the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsebras to present his condolences today to the victims of the fires in Greece.

Ambbadador Bbadam Rady, Official Spokesperson of the Presidency of the Republic The President of Sisi expressed to the Greek Prime Minister his sincere condolences to him and to the families of the victims of the fires which broke out in the surroundings of the country. Athens

Sisi emphasized the position of the Egyptian government and people and their solidarity with the Greek people in these difficult conditions. Egypt to provide all possible support to cope

For its part, the Greek Prime Minister expressed his sincere gratitude to the President of Sissi for this gesture and this generous offer, appreciating what unites the Egyptian peoples and Greek historical friendship.

At least 24 people were killed and 156 others injured. Burning forest fires in some areas near the Greek capital Athens

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