Sisi receives the president of the World Jewish Congress


Published on:
Sunday, July 29, 2018 – 2:26
| Last update:
Sunday, July 29, 2018 – 2:26

President Abdel Fattah al-Sissi on Sunday received Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, in the presence of Abbas Kamel, chief of general intelligence.

The president stressed Egypt's concern to develop its strategic relations with the states. The United States and continue to communicate with different sectors of American society, which will help clarify the picture of the real challenges facing the region and strengthen the common positions of both sides and their efforts to restore stability and security in the Middle East. In this context, he reviewed Egypt's efforts to find political solutions to the crises in the region, in accordance with the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States and the United Nations. non-interference in their internal affairs. He expressed gratitude for the Egyptian efforts and their important role in the fight against terrorism that threatens the security and stability of the Middle East and the world, alongside his efforts to promote the development process and achieve an economic renaissance overall. Witness

The meeting addressed a number of regional issues, in particular the Middle East Peace Process, where the President affirmed Egypt's support for various efforts. Aiming to resume the peace process between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, in accordance with internationally agreed terms and on the basis of the two-state solution along the 1967 borders, thus contributing to the creation of a new reality in the region. The president also said that the realization of Palestinian reconciliation and the return of legitimate authority to badume their responsibilities in the Gaza Strip will help to advance the negotiations between the Palestinian and Israeli sides and to reach a just solution. and comprehensive to the Palestinian question.
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