Smokers' "electronic cigarettes" are at greater risk of developing oral cancer


A new study suggests that electronic cigarette smokers are at greater risk of developing oral cancer than traditional cigarette smokers.

According to a study published in the Washington Post on its website, smokers

A large number of about 8 million users of electronic cigarettes chose [19659005] as a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes, but these electronic cigarettes are not. Taza

Scientists at the University of California have discovered that tobacco smokers who use electronic cigarettes do not protect more than nicotine or cancer of the mouth and throat than conventional cigarettes.

Tobacco products contain nicotine, a compound responsible for both "drinking" and tobacco addiction that is difficult to undo.

Cigarettes contain a kind of cautious optimism, while teens consider them somewhat dangerous. Although the electronic cigarette liquid contains less hazardous materials – we know it until now – but just because we know that little damage does not mean that it is completely safe. 19659002] Previous research has found traces of metals in electronic cigarette liquids. Other studies suggest that the effect of e-cigarettes on heart vessels can be as bad or worse than conventional cigarettes. Researchers discovered the badysis of urine samples of 49 thousand Americans of traditional smokers and smokers of electronic cigarettes and nonsmokers that there is a great similarity between the materials demonstrated by Analysis results between traditional smokers and smokers of electronic cigarettes have more similarities between non-smokers and smokers of electronic cigarettes.

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