Sports at home Bansieh: We suffer from slavery in North Africa. And these are the reasons why the Pharaohs failed at the World Cup.


The international striker of the Egyptian club, Aristide Panse, showed his anger at the way black African players are treated in the countries of North Africa of Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Libya.

The preparation period for the new season was cut in the Achilles tendon during the match against Mozambique's União de Sungo, who won both goals at the start of the group stage. of the Confederations Cup

. Morocco, the dark-skinned players "It's very dangerous for us, as African players, we do not get respect," he said. "Football is not slavery, there are Egyptians in Egypt who treat us like slaves, it must stop, I was a victim, it is normal when a player joins an Egyptian team that gets a residence, but most foreigners do not get it in. 3 or 4 months. "

The Burkina Faso player finished" my colleague in the Egyptian pbadport was seized and falsified a document "When he finishes, the players must leave the country and come back, if you do not leave, you will be fined for each day of his trial and many more."

"I will not fear what will happen to me and I speak with courage. "

" In Morocco, I also have a friend who can not travel because he is prevented by the President of the Club Wydad and that he can not see his family "" The Egyptians are bad people and so they have failed at the World Cup, and they continue to This behavior, they will remain an elector "I call Ahmad Ahmed, leader of Al Kef, to intervene to stop what happens to dark-skinned players in the North African stadiums, particularly in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. "

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