Sports at home The Football Association comments on the exclusion of Futsal from the Olympic Games in Argentina


The FA received an official letter from the Olympic Committee stating that the Egyptian Futsal League was excluded from the 2019 Olympic Games in Argentina. Despite the victory of the Africa Cup of Nations, a team from each country participates in the Olympic Games.

Khaled Latif, board member of the Football Federation and Futsal Futsal Supervisor, expressed deep sadness at the exclusion of the Egyptian Futsal League from the Olympic Games in Argentina of 2019, stating that this decision was a shock. B

He pointed out that he abided by the regulations that prevented him from participating, but there is coordination with the national team led by Hisham Saleh and Nadir Rashad to include more than 30 people. a player for the first team in the coming period. 19659004] (function (d, s, id) {
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