Sports News – Football Union: It's hard to establish a league without fans .. A chain aired throughout the league


You are now watching the news – Sports News – Football Union: It is difficult to establish a league without fans .. And a chain to broadcast the entire league
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Lotus News – Saif Zaher, member of the Football Federation's governing board, said the last period was marked by intensive meetings between the Gabaliyya Council and league clubs, to coordinate the return of mbades in the new league.

He added in statements on the radio: "I think it's hard to run this season without a public presence."

He continued: "We will try intensively in the coming period for the return of the mbades all the more as the league championship this season will see a magnificent competition."

In another context, Zaher stated that On Sport was the only one to broadcast Premier League games during the new season.

He added: "There are some chains like the pyramids, I've had a few league games."

"I think there are Arab channels that will broadcast the league games in the new season."

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