Statement of the results of the coordination of the first phase 2018 Day 7 and the minimum admission of colleges of medicine, engineering and science "Sunday noon"


The result of the coordination of the first phase 2018 through the portal of the Egyptian government "Day Seven" will be announced Sunday afternoon by a press conference to clarify the minimum admission to faculties 2018 and the remaining faculties second stage coordination of secondary schools. The first phase of 2018 is a significant increase in minimum admission to colleges for last year, according to initial indicators, which confirm the high rates of students who have obtained the best groups and are competing. for the top faculties of the scientific and literary division. The first stage of the scientific division was 96.1%, while the sports division accounted for 93.9% and the literary division for 80%.

Following the coordination of the first phase 2018

It is therefore expected that there are no vacancies for graduate students, who received in total less than 96, 6% of faculties of human medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, and vacant positions in faculties of veterinary medicine and science and computer science.

Students in the Engineering Division compete for about 15% and 267 students hold 22,500 positions in the faculties of engineering, computer science, information, urban planning and the arts, so there are plans for engineering schools in the second phase, then that we do not expect a vacation for the literary division in the faculties of media, economics and political science. At the headquarters of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of Dr. Khalid Abdul Ghaffar and a group of educational leaders, and the presence of journalists, to adopt the first 2018 college stage and the announcement of the names of other colleges in the second phase.

million. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, will hold a press conference Sunday to announce the results of the first phase of coordination. Acceptance in the first phase of the coordination.

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