Students in the June 30 school group get advanced positions in high school


Asma Al-Deeb, Associate Deputy Minister of Public Affairs and Chair of the School Board of June 30, announced that the number of students in the schools in the group exceeded the first level at level of their educational departments. (407.5) with a percentage of 99.39%, and ranked first in the Department of Horticulture and Dar Al-Salam Education, and student Mohammed Ahmed Abu Saada and obtained a total of (406) degrees of 99.02% and obtained Second place in Shaa In mathematics at the level of the Department of the Caliph and Mokattam Educational.

In the same administration, the student Ezzeddin Ali Abdo was ranked second with (405) and 98.7% .The student Ahmed Khaled Medhat was second in the division of scientific sciences with a total of (406) 99.02% Nada Ybader Mohammed Science Division on sixth place with a total (404.5) with 98.66%.

From the Department of Horticulture and Dar Al-Salam, student Hisham Abdul Rahim received a total of (404) 98.5% and Yemna student Osama Ali got a total of (402) 98% and the student Asil Ahmed Ismail total Degrees (406) 99.02% of the Department of Educational Pleasure, and the same student in administration Nuran Wael Mohammed al-Husseini, where the total score of (405) by 98.8%.

and the administration of East Nasr City, student Omar Khaled received a total of (406) 99.02%, and Maadi Department got an educational student Habibah Mahmoud Sulaiman of the Division science science ranked first (407.5) 99.4% Administration Kareem Sami Ibrahim Al Gharabawi was ranked sixth with a total of (404.5) percentage of 98.7% .In addition, the student literary division Yusuf Mohammed Jalal Mohammed is ranked seventh with a total of (398.5) with 97.2%.

Asma al-Deeb thanked and congratulated these students and their parents, wishing them more excellence and progress, and attracting more outstanding students from the schools of 30 June schools in the coming years .



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