Study: Frequent Life Danger of Sitting


Scientific studies and studies confirm the importance of physical activity and the practice of sport and movement in general, demonstrating its importance for the maintenance of public health and the prevention of disease. A lack of physical activity causes death

Serious Threat Threat to life:

A recent scientific study by the American Cancer Society revealed that a prolonged sitting can kill a person if she does not exercise regularly, noting that today or more, a person can have 14 life-threatening illnesses. "Sitting can kill you with about 14 diseases, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung and liver disease, peptic ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases. (19659004) The American society has stated that frequent sitting causes Parkinson's disease, neurological disorders and musculoskeletal disorders, and may eventually commit suicide.

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