Sudan's Central Medical Committee: the death of one dead and many seriously wounded


At least one person was killed and several others wounded during the ongoing attack, said the Central Sudan Medical Committee.

According to witnesses and Arab TV channels, Sudanese security forces took part in a sit-in in central Khartoum on Monday in the middle of shots fired on what the activists described as an attempt to break the sit in front of the Ministry of Defense, according to Reuters.

For his part, the gathering of Sudanese professionals through his account on Twitter, "The military council is mobilizing forces to try to break the sit-in.

Urgent call

We call on citizens of all parts of the nation's capital to take to the streets and immediately go to sit-in country in front of the general command of our armed forces, to defend the protesters and to put an end to the mbadacre perpetrated by the regime militias and the Janjaweed.# Our party_start

– Meeting of Sudanese professionals (@AssociationSd) June 3, 2019

In this statement, the group called on citizens to go to the sit-in headquarters in front of the army headquarters, accusing the military council of the murders committed by the militias on the order of the latter, according to the statement.

Sudan is currently going through a transition phase following the ouster of former President Omar al-Bashir on April 11 as a result of a popular uprising. A transitional military council badumed a transitional period under the presidency of former Defense Minister Awadh ibn Auf, who was not accepted by the people. The Sudan Transitional Military Council (SLTC) was led by the Inspector General of the Sudanese Armed Forces, Major General Abdelfattah Burhan.

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