Summary of news from Egypt for the sixth hour. Parliament reduces the pension of ministers and governors and their deputies


The seventh day in the last few hours has published a number of news and important reports, including the approval of Parliament to reduce the pension of ministers and governors and their deputies.

The following is a summary of the Egyptian news for the sixth hour pm.

Parliament reduces the pension of ministers and governors and finally approves 417 votes on the law of their pension account and reduces it by 80 % to 25% of the last salary and applies it retroactively from April 2018. Abdel-Al: Deputies, led by Dr. Ali Abdel-Al, at a plenary session last Tuesday, by 417 votes on the draft law submitted by the Government, on the modification of certain provisions of Law No. 54 of 1964 on the reorganization of administrative control, and the amendment of certain provisions of Law No. 28 of 2018 amending the provisions of Act No. 100 of 1987, determining the financial treatment of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Prime Minister and members of cabinet, governors and their deputies, to calculate the retirement rules of these categories.

Egyptian authorities have denied media reports about the closure of the Rafah border crossing and continue to open it to the movement of movement and access and the pbadage of humanitarian cases in both directions.

The existence of a technical malfunction in the communications network,

Minister of Housing: Tomorrow begins the recording of data for the reservation of 2048 units in the administrative capital

Minister of Housing, Services and Urban Communities, Dr. Masadi Madbouli, said that the registration of data (first step) on the site – to book 2048 housing units with areas of 110-180 meters and luxury finishes, in the new administrative capital, will start on Wednesday 18/7/2018, and will continue until Tuesday 31/7/2018, while booking (stage three ) From 10am on Sunday 08/12/2018 and until 23:59 on Saturday 18/08/2018 .

The government denies 7 rumors: No truth to add material on the loaf of bread to reduce the density of the population .. Will not design Chinese markets for eggs .. Council of Ministers confirms: stop a subway driver to take him a child in the cabin

Information from the Council of Ministers, which in light of rumors recorded during the period from July 11 to 17, was checked 7 rumors and all were refused .

The first part of the judicial movement 2018-2019

The seventh day details the first part of the judicial movement, which includes members of the public prosecutor's office for the 2018-2019 judicial year, and was approved by the Supreme Judicial Council at its session yesterday. 19659002]

Ali Abdel-Aal: the session next Tuesday will witness the vote on the abandonment of some deputies

Dr. Ali Abdel-Al, Speaker of the House of Representatives, said the plenary session of the Council will be held next Tuesday. The Committee of Values ​​in the Council .

Sources: Increase in the number of admissions in the coordination of colleges and institutes 2018

Sources revealed in the "seventh day" that the Higher Coordinating Committee of the Higher Council of Universities will increase the number of university colleges in the first phase of the coordination of colleges and institutes 2018; Successful High School Students

How will Egypt become a regional spinning and weaving center in 2020?

Egypt is currently seeking to become a regional center in the textile and textile industry over the next four years by 2020 by creating new textile cities. (19659002)

Promotion alone is not enough .. Efforts to revitalize tourism are wasted on the negligence of local councils. The ministry is racing to increase traffic by 10% this year. Al-Haram-Sakkara Road "reveals the lack of awareness of the tourism sector as the most important source of national income

The tourist destinations of seaside resorts, beaches, ancient buildings, temples and museums are the elements that God has loved from Egypt, there is no tourism that gives it a global and regional tourism status and makes tourism one of the main sources of income .]

IMF forecast for the Egyptian economy during the current year .. The growth rate of 5.5% .. The stability of average inflation at 14.4% .. Debt decline to 86% .. And the fourth revision next November followed by a $ 2 billion tranche

The IMF recently released its review, which gave its forecasts on the Egyptian economy during the year 2018-2019 .

25 girls working in the harvest of agricultural crops injured in a car strike in Minya

25 girls working in the agricultural harvest on farms scattered in the Western Sahara desert in central Samalut, north of Minya province, were affected from their homes .

How to Record Your Patient's Data on Critical Surgery Website x 4 Steps

As part of President Sisi's plan to eliminate critical waiting lists, the government launched a site to register these lists . ]

World Health Organization: 22.8% of Egyptians Smoke .. and 0.5% of Women

The World Health Organization said in a report today that & ## s. It is one of the most important risk factors for premature death and diseases other than infectious diseases such as heart disease, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases, which can be prevented .

The opposition judge of the South Giza Court has renewed the detention of the three defendants in the case of the liquidation of the children's bodies of Mariouteya, 15 days after the prosecution's investigations in this case .

Coordination of high school 2018 .. Friday The last days of the registration of the wishes of the first stage

Coordination of the 2018 high school, the coordination office of the Ministry of Education and Training Higher Education and Scientific Research completes the enrollment of students in the first phase of coordination Friday, for students of this stage .

Tamim's wife urges the Qatari not to do Hajj: those who go out engage in a policy of national provocation and intimidate and warn their citizens, especially as the Hajj season approaches , the wife of the emir of Qatar Jawahar al-Thani. Entry to Hajj .

New secrets in the "billion-dollar deal" between Qatar and the princes of terrorism. " BBC " The text of the talks of the Doha Ambbadador to Baghdad and a Qatari official. Hostages and financial support

A new report released by the BBC revealed new details on the Qatari deal of a billion dollars paid by Doha to the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades to free a number of members of the the ruling Doha family has made huge money at the Nasra terrorist front and has agreed four cities to move the Suu Z people from the towns in exchange for the release of the Qatari fishermen .

"A success story haunted by rumors" A documentary about the "seventh day" in the show "Sabah Dream". Media Quraa Khalali: The newspaper has turned to a school of journalism in the Arab world. "Sabah Al-Dareem" has prepared a documentary film on "the seventh day" and journalist Khaled Salah, president and editor-in-chief of the seventh day, entitled "The seventh day .. The Emperor of the success of electronic journalism by the rumors . " 19659002]

Meteorology: Tomorrow hot weather in the sea and the big one in Cairo, 38 degrees

Meteorologists predict that tomorrow will prevail

Ahmed Schubert joins the star of the On-Sport screen

as part of the modernization and development of the best sports channel On Sport

The Al-Janj court sentences the MP Mahmoud al-Husseini to a three-month prison sentence for beating his woman

An Al-Mutairiya correctional court, arrested the popular singer Mahmoud Ahmad Hosseini Mohamed and his fame "Mahmoud Husseini", 3 months, and 200 and the obligation to perform 5001 as a temporary compensation, on the charges of badaulting his wife by beating her and wounding her with a sharp instrument called "Hodeidah" ​​while claiming the expenses of her four children.


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