Surprise .. Curry powder resists the most deadly diseases


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A recent study conducted by scientists at the University of California revealed that a chemical in curry powder can resist cancer. Curcumin, a chemical in turmeric that gives yellow curry powder, can slow the growth of cancerous tumors in the bad and blood by making cancer cells less able to destroy or destroy other cells.

According to the British Daily Mail, curcumin, which we thought had the ability to fight cancer, could be 500 times more potent than previously thought.

When fusing drugs commonly used to treat leukemia with turmeric, tests showed that curcumin made them work better and helped reduce their side effects.

This substance can be used to fight cancer because when it is present in the blood, it binds specific types of enzymes called "DYRK2". When they are connected to both, the cells can not multiply quickly.

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