Surprise in an electrical contract to get him out of Zamalek "free"


A Surprise in an Electrification Contract Takes It Out of Zamalek "Free" Akhbarna Citing Summary We publish a surprise in an electrical contract to get him out of "free" Zamalek, a surprise in an electrical contract The current period is the subject of intense debate on the crisis of Mahmoud Abdel Moneim, "Zamalek midfielder" and on the return of the Zamalek

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second season of the Etihad Jeddah club in Saudi Arabia.

Murtada Mansour, president of the Zamalek Club, has stated on more than one occasion that White Castle's position is correct and that the player is not free and will normally be on the list of the team.

A source close to Mahmud Abdel Moneim, "Kahraba", a player from Zamalek, confirmed that the direction of the White Castle had registered the player based on the former contract signed by the player in July 2015

"For Zamalek to place the player on the second list under the old contract, which is supposed to end at the end of next season.

The source said that the Football Association was electrified under the old contract, with the transfer of the new contract signed by the player in July 2017 Committee of the Players Affairs to determine its validity. (19659003)

– Zamalek signed a contract with the electrification of the 2015/2016 season for 4 seasons, Before the 2016/2017 season of the Jeddah Federation, the source confirmed that Zamalek had committed a serious administrative error by raising the electrified name of the list of this season before the loan has end of winning his place for another player because according to the rules of the Union of the time Without being placed on the original list of his team.

– Before the start of the 2017/2018 season .. Due to the administrative error mentioned in the previous paragraph, Zamalek concluded a new contract with the player in July 2017 before giving it a second times to the Jeddah Union. For not documenting this contract within 30 days of his signing and thus according to the rules of the players' business, the contract became like he was not.

– Zamalek in the current season 2018/2019 .. went to the Balloon Federation to register the player in the list of contracts signed with him in July 2017, and according to the regulation (professional player contract is documented within 30 days after the signature of all parties) This happens and so the contract is signed.

– The Players' Commission is currently studying the possibility of documenting the former contract signed by the player in July 2015 to end the crisis and that the contract ends at the end of the season which will begin in August. With the player during the current days, otherwise the player will be free to sign up for any other club.

– A new electrification contract with Zamalek, which White Castle officials are trying to document, will earn the player 10 million pounds in five seasons, 2 million pounds in season, which is denied by the player. Provide all the best .. The transfer of news from all news sources and facilitate their reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. Greetings from the Akhbarna newspaper's family site.
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