Symptoms and treatment of common psychotic disorder


News: The symptoms and treatment of common psychotic disorder, we always hold our visitors to provide distinctive information content to receive your satisfaction by our news site. A news site was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive news content on the Arab and international scene Many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical and sports arena and other areas of interest to our readers to post on the website site News, Symptoms and Treatment of Common Mental Disorders,

Saturday, July 7, 2018 13 : 06 News News The common psychotic disorder is a rare type of illness that occurs when a healthy person begins to have the illusions of someone who shares his or her shared feelings. With a closer link.

For example, if a family member has a psychotic disorder, as part of the illness, he believes in something imaginary and unbelievable. But his thoughts and behavior are normal. People with mental disorders suffer from being in contact with the real world and can not cope with daily activities.

Introduction of the Common Psychotic Disorder:
The most common symptoms are hallucinations and delusions. The illusion is more common and can be of any kind. Hallucinations include hearing, seeing or feeling things that do not exist.

These signs of agitation begin to affect their interactions with others and disrupt their social lives.

Risk Factors for Common Mental Disorder:
Common psychotic disorders often occur only in long-term relationships where one person with a psychotic disorder is dominant and the other negative. These two people tend to communicate closely with each other.

This disorder can also occur in groups of people who are closely related to a person with a psychotic disorder. For example, this can happen in a religious community if the leader is psychotic and his followers take their illusions.

Experts do not really know why, but believe that stress and social isolation play a key role in its development.

Risk Factors:
– Biological Factors Involving Changes in Neurochemistry in Dopamine in the Brain
– Genetic Factors Involving Families with Schizophrenia or Other Psychiatric Disorders.
– Psychological Factors
– Stress caused by a person's death or constant stress in life.
– Drug abuse can also contribute to this disease.

Is there a handicap between suicide and illness?
Suicide agreements in the family are often part of common illusions, which means that there is an agreement between two or more parties who sacrifice their lives so that no one will suffer.

Diagnosis of Common Mental Disorder:
If anyone has a common psychotic disorder, he will answer questions about his physical and psychological history. Doctors can use other methods such as brain imaging and blood tests to rule out other causes.

If the doctor finds no physical reason, the person can be sent to a psychiatrist or psychologist, who will perform with the person, monitor his behavior and listen to his symptoms. Treatment of the Common Psychotic Disorder:
1. Psychotherapy – This type of counseling can help a person recognize their illusions and return to the real world. This type of treatment is also designed to relieve the emotional distress of this condition.

2. Family Therapy – It involves the family of a person who has a common psychotic disorder. Family members can promote a person's activities and interests, develop social connections, and so on.

3. Drugs – If symptoms persist, a person should take antipsychotics for a short time.

What can happen if this condition is not addressed?
Common mental disorders can become a constant problem. But with proper treatments, you can have a good chance of recovery.

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