Symptoms confirm that you are allergic to wheat


The sensitivity of wheat, or so-called silic, is an allergic reaction of the immune system against one of the proteins found in wheat, this protein is called gluten.The genetic factor is the main cause wheat allergies.

Dr. Mohsen al-Nadi, a consultant in alternative medicine, said that eating a person who is suffering from this autoimmune disease containing gluten, which is found in wheat, oats, oats, and other foods, is a good idea. barley and bulgur, has some symptoms:

Inflammation and presence of gas in the abdomen

– difficulty swallowing.

– Bone fracture

– Diarrhea or constipation

– Inflammation of the nose

– Itching in the eyes

– Neuralgia

– Iron deficiency anemia

– Delayed growth in children

– abnormal liver activity

– itching, redness

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