Symptoms of morning depression and treatment of mild techniques


News: The symptoms of morning depression and its treatment of light techniques, we always like to visit our distinguished news content to receive your satisfaction by our news site news website, and the international many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political scene, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to present on the site of the News

Thursday, July 12, 2018 1:05 PM News News Morning depression is one of the symptoms experienced by some people who suffer from depressive disorders, and symptoms of morning depression and its treatment by mild techniques. With morning depression, you could have more serious depressive symptoms in the morning than in the afternoon or evening, including sadness, frustration, anger, and exhaustion.

Morning Depression
Morning Depression is also known as daily change in depressive symptoms or daily mood changes; it is different from seasonal affective disorder badociated with seasonal changes. But they see it as one of the many potential symptoms of depression.

Causes of Morning Depression
– A 2013 study found that people with depression often disrupted the rhythms of the body clock, and that this imbalance is one of the leading causes of morning depression. Be more alert during the day, and this natural cycle of sleep and waking is known as the rhythm of the biological clock.

– Regulates the daily rhythm or body clock, from heart rate to body temperature, and also affects energy, thought, alertness and mood, and these daily rhythms help you maintain a stable mood and stay healthy, The rhythms of certain hormones, such as cortisol and melatonin, help your body prepare for certain events: for example, your body releases cortisol when the sun is lifts, this hormone gives you energy to be active during the day. What makes you sleepy.

– When these rhythms break down, your body starts to produce hormones at the wrong time of day, which can have a negative effect on physical and emotional health. For example, when your body produces melatonin during day, you can feel tired Very intense.

Symptoms of morning depression
People who suffer from morning depression suffer from severe symptoms in the morning, like feeling sad and depressed, but feel better with the pbadage of the day, the symptoms may be the following:

– Lack of great energy at the beginning of the day
– Difficulty with simple tasks, such as bathing or making coffee.
– Physical or cognitive delay or fuzzy thinking.

– Lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities
– Lack of concentration.
– Changes in appetite What you eat more or less than usual)
-. Excessive sleep.

Light therapy
Light therapy, also known as light therapy or phototherapy, can be very helpful in the treatment of people with early morning depression. With this type of treatment, you can sit or work near of a light therapy box. The box emits a bright light that simulates natural light in the open air, and it is thought that exposure to light affects chemicals in the brain badociated with mood.

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