Symptoms of otitis and methods of treatment and prevention


It is important to identify the symptoms of tendinitis and the methods of treatment and prevention, since tendon infections have become common diseases because of the modern lifestyle that depends on the frequent use of drugs. modern devices, major source of tendon inflammation.

Symptoms of otitis:

  • The pain extends in the hand with the movement.
  • Severe pain in the hand while sleeping.
  • Tingling sensation and tingling in the hand.
  • The appearance of a lump in the hand joint.
  • Contraction sensation of the muscle of the hand.
  • Strong heat in the hand.

Methods of treatment and prevention of tendinitis:

  • Stop causes such as reducing the use of modern appliances.
  • Follow physiotherapy sessions to increase flexibility of the joints of the hand.
  • Ice packs can be used for topical treatment and pain relief.
  • Take a steroid injection in your hand to relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Subject to physiotherapy sessions under the supervision of a specialist.
  • In advanced cases, it is possible to undergo surgery.

Note: Before following this treatment or this method, please consult your doctor.

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