Syria: Completion of the evacuation of all civilians from the cities of Kufriya and al-Fu'a in the rural area of ​​Idlib


Syrian public television reported Thursday the evacuation of all civilians from two Syrian cities loyal to the Syrian government after they were besieged by opposition militants in the north-west In the governorate of Idlib with Syrian Red Crescent ambulances to transport the sick population, he pointed out that all buses from Kafriya and Fu to the north of the country of Idlib were released from both cities.

Had detained when Idlib swept over 3 years ago More than 100 buses arrived to transport residents and fighters from both cities to a nearby area controlled by the provincial government. Aleppo: Opposition gunmen and civilian buses were moved from their cities to the territory controlled by the opposition.

Opposition sources said that officials of the Fictitious Liberation Organization, an alliance led by the former Al Qaeda branch, and the Revolutionary Guards Iranian negotiated the latest exchange agreement . Syrian sources have reported that Syrian warplanes have launched raids on areas under Syria's control. The sources added that the attack coincided with clashes between the regular forces and the Syrian factions. opposition, who rejected the agreement that was entering the regular forces to the city of Nue where he lives. Tens of thousands of people are fleeing the fighting in the Daraa countryside .

The Russian side is negotiating an agreement with the opposition in the city of Sheikh Saad, the last city under the control of the factions of the opposition . [ad_2]
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