Syrian negotiations between armed factions and Russia are stalled


The southern factions of Syria declared a "failure" of negotiations with the Russian side to accept a cessation of hostilities in southern Syria because of Moscow's insistence on surrendering fighters with their heavy weapons at a time.
Earlier, opposition sources called the talks "critical" after Moscow set a final date for negotiations, before resuming the Syrian military operation in the region if negotiations failed.
"The failure of negotiations with the Russians in Bosra al-Sham because of their insistence on the delivery of heavy weapons," factions reported in a tweet posted on Twitter by Central Operations South.
"This round has not been successful because of Russia's insistence on handing heavy weapons to factions at once," said Ibrahim al-Jabbawi, spokesman for the chamber. "The meeting is over and no date has been set."
Daraa, in southwestern Syria, was calm and calm after 11 people were killed by mine explosions in the eastern Rif region, as the UN Security Council holds an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in the province.
In a statement, Human Rights Watch called on Israel and Jordan to open their borders to those fleeing the fighting in Daraa. "The situation in the south-west is so severe that humanitarian convoys can not cross to provide badistance to those in need," said Lama Fakih, deputy director of the Middle East and Africa Division. North of the organization

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