Syrian regime closes last pockets of opposition to Daraa and evacuates hundreds of people north


With the departure of hundreds of armed men and their families from the city of Daraa (southern Syria) to the province of Idlib (north), the Syrian regime launches an air and ground offensive on the Quneitra campaign. The north and northwest of the city of Daraa, to besiege the city of Nawa and conquer the strategic hill of Al-Hara, the last stronghold of the opposition in the village of Daraa, whose regime no Did not regain control with Russia.

I arrived in the morning on the road "Sjana" which was elevated between the areas of the opposition factions and the regime, and after research on the outskirts of the northern city before being inspected and launched in Idlib. Spokesman for the Central Operations Room, Brigadier Ibrahim al-Jabbawi, told al-Hayat that "the number of fighters leaving is small compared to the number of rebels, the northern provinces that broke with the The army and decided to stay with us to support us and represent about 60% of the rebels, while the others are from the city of Daraa in the opposition-controlled neighborhoods who preferred to be abandoned to reform the regime. "The negotiators secured guarantees under the agreement with the Russians to prevent the entry of the regime's forces into the country Daraa and the dam district and the camp and the prison where there is currently about 3,000 armed men who will not control the fate of the regime. Opposition sources did not rule out new payments for those wishing to go to Idlib in coordination with the Russian side.

One source explained that all preparations had been made to transfer the armed forces of the Daraa regime. In the northwest. The source said in a statement to the Russian agency "Sputnik" that "preparations for the transfer of 600 armed their families from the districts of Daraa to Idlib are over," adding that "15 buses carrying 600 of their families gathered in the vicinity of Sjnp Bdraa ". He added that "the gunmen came out with their small arms accompanied by a building of 3 stores."

The media confirmed the restoration of the village, an enchanted village in the Kenitra countryside, about 12 km from the occupied Golan. A Syrian field commander told "Sputnik" that "the Syrian army entered the city of Enchantment after the escape of the militants from them to the spring city in the countryside of Sakhr ". He added that "the army began its military operation towards enchantment since the early hours of yesterday morning, when it prepared a heavy fire in conjunction with clashes with Front Nasra militants. , which caused the flight of most. The regime launched an air raid on Sham's strategic hill, controlled by the Sham Liberation Organization, and launched a ground offensive from the Kafr Naasj and Jasim axis. And surrounded the city of Nawa, the last fortress of the armed factions in the western shield countryside after the accession of dozens of towns and villages in the last two days to agreements "reconciliation" under the auspices of the Russians

The Hill warm hills in the countryside of Daraa Daraa and Quneitra, and therefore control of the area, allows monitoring and supervision Controlled by the opposition in 2014.

At the end of the control of the entire Daraa campaign With the exception of areas of the Da'in terrorist organization in the Yarmouk Basin, the city of Nawa and Tel Hara, the regime opened a new battle in the Quneitra campaign. The city of Meshara, located 11 kilometers from the border with the Golan occupied by about a thousand grenades, confirmed the factions of the opposition that the fighting is continuing and have caused the death of some 20 Officers, including a brigadier. The start of operations in Quneitra comes a few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Moscow and the meeting of President Vladimir Putin to discuss the situation on the southern front

The regime began its campaign in the south of Syria since June 19th. And the West, with a clear delay in targeting the rural areas of Daraa Gharbi and Quneitra, which are adjacent to the border with the occupied Golan. The UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) warned of tragic conditions for civilians and said in a statement that "despite the return of tens of thousands of displaced people to Daraa … 160,000 people remain in Quneitra ".

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