Syrian Source: Evacuation of the Calling Elements from the Yarmouk Basin in Exchange for the Release of the Sweida Raiders


The bodies of opposition fighters in the vicinity of Tal al-Khalidiya in Swaida May 7, 2015

Swaida 24: Evacuation of the 400 elements of the army of Khaled ibn al -Waleed "Swaida 24" quoted a reliable source that about 400 elements of the army of Khaled ibn al-Walid, the Islamic State organization of their regions in the Yarmouk Basin in the Swaida campaign is accompanied by their families, after negotiations between the elements of the appellants in rural Suweida and were transferred from Yarmouk camp to the south of Damascus, and between the Syrian government.

According to the Lasuri website, those elements who promised to organize the Islamic State – called, met in Libyan society and Glenn's housing in the province of Daraa and were transferred in batches complete privacy for two full days.

What is the opposite? According to the website, the agreement included the release of more than 100 members of an organization that called for the release of abducted civilians in al-Suwayda.

On Monday, Syrian sources reported that Da'd ash had abducted 36 Druze women and children. In southern Syria during the attack launched a week ago and killed more than 250 people in the province.

Another source said yesterday at the same site that the first round of negotiations for the release of kidnapped Swedish civilians has resulted in a refusal. The requirements of the organization of a lawyer of a stop

The terrorist organization also stipulated that the inhabitants of the mountain should not participate in any battle between the army Syrian and the organization and prevent the army from using the Suwayda territory to fight the organization. Which is categorically rejected by the sons of the swaida. It is likely that the suicide bombers who attacked the village of Shweiki and the city of Suweida attacked this organization in the province since the beginning of the war in Syria, led by the mujahideen of Suweida, the same who fled the refugee camp from Yarmouk south of Damascus.

Yesterday, a government delegation visited the province and presented its condolences to the dead, including the Minister of the Interior, General Mohammad Al-Shaar, the Minister of Local Government and the Environment, Hussein Makhlouf, Minister of Internal Trade and Hama.

On the other hand, a delegation from the Lebanese Hezbollah organization visited al-Suwayda and expressed its condolences on behalf of the party's secretary general, Abdullah al-Gharbi, who met with Sheikhs from the Druze community and expressed his condolences. Sheikh Hbadan Nasrallah and the party itself

Since their evacuation from the south of Damascus, Da'i led attacks on the presence of the regime and its allies in the Badia and surrounding areas, according to the report. ;observatory. The regime's forces are on the verge of restoring the entire south of the country, which includes the provinces of Daraa, Quneitra and Suwayda, after controlling the attack and settlement agreements with the opposition factions on more than 90% of Daraa and Quneitra

. The years of conflict are largely free from fierce fighting, while ISIS fighters are in a desert area on the outskirts of the northeastern province and are carrying out attacks. occasional attacks against the Syrian army and its allies.

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