That's what Hossam Habib's father said about Sherine Abdel Wahab's doctors


Here is what Hossam Habib's father of Dr. Sherine Abdel Wahab, a newsman quoting Giuloli, tells us about what Hossam Habib's father said about Dr. Sherine Abdel Wahab, here is Hossam Habib's father, Dr. Sherine Abdel Wahab

News Monitor The father of the artist Hossam Habib talked about the wife of his daughter, the Egyptian artist Sherine Abdel Wahab.

The father of the Egyptian artist hired chef Sherine, where he said: "Sherine Habiba Baba and protect her work with a Chinese spinach fish and salmon fish and a small fish is not known and rice and fish and salad. "

And added, for his own account on the site "Facebook": "Eat a masterpiece if I could Agzm Maaaa all the fans you Shahadlha cook cook very busy time, take you together."

It is worth mentioning that Hossam Habib's father is the first to announce the story of love tying his son Bashirin before marriage, and expressed more than once his love for the wife of his wife. And I told him that I had a good, good and good contact. "

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The news observatory, according to Hossam Habib's father of Sherine Abdel Wahab's doctors, followed us on the social networking sites of our site to receive you new news permanently

Source: جوليلي

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