The Al-Azhar convoy south of Sinai is expected to reveal 2,400 patients


The medical convoy of Al-Azhar bound for South Sinai continued its work Friday for the fourth consecutive day: the medical examination of 2400 patients and 25 operations between the large and the medium [19459003TheconvoystarteditsworkatAl-Tur

Treatment was provided free of charge to all patients, in accordance with the cooperation protocol signed between Al-Azhar and the Ministry of Health.

The convoy, which runs until July 22, 20 doctors of Al-Azhar medical professors in 12 specialties, including bone, internal medicine, ophthalmology and ophthalmology

This convoy is part of the efforts of Al-Azhar to participate in the development of society and in the continuation of the role of Al-Azhar National, Advocacy and Social.
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