The amazing images of a dwarf planet "do not look like anything humans have seen before"


Amazing images of a dwarf planet


Image of expression

NASA has revealed new images of a dwarf planet about 250 million kilometers from Earth, describing it as "a conflict of all that humans have seen before".

The digital presentation of Ceres describes a strange mountain with "amazing" and rare features, known as Ahuna Mons, created by a giant mud bubble, according to NASA.

Amazing images of a dwarf planet

NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA

Amazing images of a dwarf planet


In a press release, the US Space Agency said: "Ahuna Mons is unlike anything humanity has ever seen, for a reason, the slopes do not contain old fossils, but vertical plates." During the glacier, at a weak point, rich in reflective salt, then froze and the light lines look like other materials appeared recently, such as the visible materials of the famous bright spots of Ceres. "

Amazing images of a dwarf planet


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The planet Ceres dwarf is located in the belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists believe that it was formed about four billion years ago, like the Earth.

Ahuna Mons extends over a distance of 10 miles to its base and reaches 2.5 miles. According to data from the Dawn probe currently based on the Ceres orbit, it is characterized by nothing else on the Ceres.

Dawn discovered the basics of exotic life at Ceres in 2017, where he found carbon-containing materials similar to those that could have helped bring our planet to life.

Source: the sun

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