The American priest Andrew Branson is still detained in Turkey


A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered the extension of the detention of US priest Andrew Branson, held since October 2016 in Turkey for "terrorist" activities, despite pressure from US authorities to release him. The Reverend, who ran a Protestant church in the Aegean town of Izmir, was tense in relations between Ankara and Washington.

This is the third time that his release is denied, if the Court dismisses the hearings on April 16 and May 7. The lawyers released him.

The judge said that the next hearing would be held on October 12.

"No" I read the list of charges and attended 3 sessions and I do not think there is any indication that Reverend Brunson is guilty of any activity ", said the American Chargé d 'affaires in Ankara, Philippe Cousant, who attended the hearing: criminal or terrorist. "

Brunson is accused of having carried out pro-Islamic activities in the United States. United States, Fathullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of having orchestrated the coup attempt in 2016 and the PKK.

If convicted.

Turkey prohibits Both Gulen and PKK

At the last session in May, Branson vehemently denied helping "terrorist" groups, according to a witness.

Branson said, "I've never supported the PKK … I have never heard of "The witnesses have no word of support for the PKK."

Branson's lawyer, Jim Halafort, said the case was based on testimonials, saying "without any evidence and simple statements from people that they heard this and l & # 39; have seen."

"It's a complete judicial joke."

– Increasing Problems – US President Donald Trump Called for Branson's Liberation and Discussed Turko-American relations have been strained since Washington backed Kurdish militant groups in Syria, which Ankara accuses of Be linked to the PKK, as well as the American refusal to expel Gulen.

Turkish officials worked for US missions in Turkey, accusing a staff member of the US consulate in Istanbul of espionage, accusing another US consular official in Adana of supporting the PKK.

Branson is one of the thousands of people arrested under the state of emergency.

The state of emergency is to end Wednesday night, but it seems to have no effect on the Branson case.

Cosnet said that the United States is still in the opinion "The United States strongly respect the Turkish legal traditions, but we think this issue goes beyond these traditions."

The United States strongly respects the Turkish legal tradition, 19659004] – "polite man" – in September, he stressed Wagan said his country would release Branson if Washington surrendered Gulen, who lives in exile in Pennsylvania, which was excluded by the United States.

Despite tensions, Erdogan's personal relationship with Trump is friendly, The two leaders shook hands at a NATO summit in Brussels last week and congratulated Trump on his counterpart Turkish for doing things correctly.

Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mouloud Zhaoshoglu A phone call to his American counterpart Mike Pompeo. The contents of the call have not been revealed.

In April Trump expressed his support for Branson and said that he was "a polite man" tried "without reason."

"They say that it is a spy that is impossible, Return to his house and his beautiful family where his natural place."

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