The arrest of the train driver and the diversion agent responsible for the incident of Al-Badrashin


Attorney General Hatem Fadhel, the first Attorney General of the South Giza Prosecutor's Office, ordered the detention of the train driver and the diversion officer and five employees of Al-Marazeeq Station who caused the accident of 58 pbadengers,

The preliminary inspection of the Department of Prosecutions South Giza revealed yesterday on the site of the Badrashin train accident that caused the injury of 58 pbadengers that the train moved from Ramses station to the Minya Governorate, and the incident took place in the village of Al-Marazeeq, after the driver collided with a barrier What has caused the reversal of about three rear vehicles, the accident having caused the misappropriator error which diverted the train from its normal trajectory, which caused the crash of the three rear cars of the train, two other vehicles were destroyed without a trace of fire


Preliminary investigations revealed that the train driver was surprised by the transfer of the employee from the village of Marazeeq to the railway of one of the police officers, injured in the accident. Dialogue, Which led to the collision of the train with a concrete barrier and the reversal of the rear cars

The investigation team found traces of blood on the scene, raised by medical experts – legal to match the blood of the wounded. And ordered the police to take blood samples from the train driver and the transfer agent to ensure that they did not use narcotics.

Investigations revealed that 42 patients had left the hospital after improving their health. And Observation

The prosecution heard the words of the wounded who said that the first vehicle overturned by the train was the No. 7 vehicle, and that it was the first vehicle to be knocked over by the train, Young people started to leave Arab pbadengers, and we only felt at the hospital after coma recovery.

The wounded reported to the prosecution that half an hour after the train, they panicked after the departure of the trains. Filled with wagons, s

A number of wounded people said that they had participated in the rescue operations, that they had broken the windows and threw them on children and women and that they were not safe. they had beaten them after the ambulances rescued them.

The injured persons confirmed to the prosecution that the train driver was walking normally and were surprised more than once by the pressure on the brakes, and overturned the rear vehicles after the departure of the train

. Engineering Committee of the Engineering Authority Specialists The mission of the Armed Forces is to visit the site of the incident to know the reasons and circumstances of the accident , prepare a report on this case and order the railway agents to question them on the causes of the accident

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