The "Art House" offers the largest participation at the "National of … Masrawy" events


The "House of Art" offers the greatest participation in the activities of the "National Theater"


Sunday, July 22, 2018
The performances of the theater art house under the presidency of the artist Ismail Mokhtar, who provided free to the theaters of the State of Cairo on the first and second days of the events of the eleventh session of the National Theater Festival currently in place, the highest attendance rate

One of the presentations that saw a great interaction between the workers and the public theatrical performance "Snow White", which is presented in the first forum of the theater for children in a technical demonstration, is the first in the history of the festival. Children and their families The show is based on the famous story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, with Marwa Abdel Moneim, Aida Fahmy, Mostafa Haggag, Mohamed Salama, Bbadem Qenaoui, Alaa El Naqib, Hisham Adel, Khaled Ibrahim and a group of young faces. And the production of the National Children's Theater of the House of Arts Theater

The "Comedy Les Miserables", the artistic house of the official competition of the festival, obtained an unprecedented public demand during its premiere the first and the second day of the Miami Theater. It is a different work of art, whose author and director Marwa Radwan has managed to present it in a sophisticated and innovative way in terms of writing and research in the original text "Woes of the world" of Victor Hugo. (19659005) and the performance of the play "A Very Fair Day", which is also part of the festival's official competition. Was a general audience during his performance at the Opera King Theater, a rich experience that provided promising young people with the result of the "Start Your Dream" workshop to teach the arts of play and performance. The presentation embodies the different problems we face in life, and how to overcome them in a simple and easy way.

The artistic house of the theater participates in the official competition of the eleventh session of the National Festival of Egyptian Theater, the course of the writer Mahmoud Diab, theatrical performances that have been a great success throughout the seasons of the show I'm Carmen, a very sweet day, "in addition to shows for children, including" Snow White "and" Voyage du Beau Temps ", which takes part in the first forum of the Children's Theater.

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