"The BBC" reveals new details in support of the Qatar scandal for terrorists in Iraq


In April 2017, Qatar Airways took off from Doha to Baghdad with the largest ransom in modern history

The story began in 2015 when a cruise was launched for the princes from Doha seeking the birds of Houbara,

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) followed the story in its entirety in a report released on Tuesday, answering the important question: Did you pay for Qatar? A record amount of ransom for the release of 26 Qatari, including 9 of the ruling family?

in view of the values ​​The $ 150,000 ransom is the answer, revealed by a text of correspondence between the Foreign Minister of Qatar, Mohammed Abdulrahman Al-Thani, and the ambbadador of Doha in Iraq, Zayed Al-Khayarin

. The money went to groups and individuals designated by the United States as "terrorists": the Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq, who killed US soldiers with roadside bombs, and General Qasim Soleimani , commander of the Quds Force of the IRGC. The United States and the European Union, and the Sham Liberation Organization, which was formerly known as the Nasra Front, when it belonged to al-Qaeda in Syria.

In a few weeks, no news reached Doha, but in March 2016, The biggest case to finance terrorism, after the princes of Qatar learned that the kidnappers belonged to Iraqi groups affiliated with Iraqi Hezbollah and that the group wanted to close the deal.

Ambbadador Zayed sent both options to his Minister of Foreign Affairs. I told them to bring back fourteen people … and we'll give you half the value. "Five days later, the group offered to release three hostages, and the ambbadador sent a letter to the minister saying," They want a good gesture from us, but they are in a hurry and want to finish everything soon. "

The Qatar ambbadador who visited the heavily fortified Green Zone received nothing in addition to a trip in which he expected to meet the kidnappers.

While one of the panel discussions was ending, it was found that one of the negotiators of the Hezbollah Brigades, Abu Muhammad, had taken the ambbadador According to the BBC, 10 million dollars have been requested.

The ambbadador said in a voice message: "Abu Mohammed asked a question," What benefits me? Frankly, I want $ 10 million. I told him, 10 million, I will not give you a tenth, unless all the hostages entrust me with it, I also told him that I wanted to buy him an apartment in Lebanon. "

He asked to two Iraqi mediators from the Sunni community, to visit Qatar's Foreign Minister and asked him in advance for gifts worth $ 150,000 and five hours from the Rolex brand. It is not clear whether these gifts were to the mediators themselves or for the purpose of fatiguing the kidnappers during the negotiations.

In April 2016, a new name was added to the phone files: Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Qods Force in the Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps "Suleiman met the kidnappers last night and pushed them to accept a billion dollars … They did not answer because of their financial situation, Soleimani will come back. "

The problem was not about money, but the Doha princes did not miss the impetus to support the development The kidnappers and those behind them in Tehran have new demands, including a Syrian blood exchange.

It seems that Soleimani wanted more money and he asked Qatar to help him implement the "four city accords" The Qatar-sponsored Front Nbader froze the blockade cities of Kufriya and al-Fo'a in northern Syria, and moved the cities of Madaya and Zabadani into the Damascus countryside to change the demographics of the region in favor of Iranian influence. The Iranian regime, through the agreement, has an influence in areas near Damascus in addition to The messages showed that the money was actually paid to terrorists in April 2017, as well as tens of millions bribes to Iraqi and Iranian leaders and militia leaders to end the hostage crisis and the Qatar crisis. .

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