The benefits of garlic on the stomach Ves do 31 miracles with your body


Inquire: You can not imagine what are the benefits of garlic on your saliva. Where the garlic has a strong rest, but has stronger health properties and the benefits of garlic more effective when you eat garlic on the belly. The benefits of garlic include the control of blood pressure, strengthening of the immune system, detoxification, the use of muscle tissue.Other benefits of garlic: anticoagulant, treatment of yeast infections , reduction of heart attacks, eye health support, help with the treatment of eczema

Garlic on the stomach

What is it? ;garlic?

Garlic herbs is strong and the smell is tasteless and is very close to the onion. Garlic is found in Central Asia. It has been used as a flavoring agent and traditional medicine.

Garlic contains healthy minerals such as phosphorus, potbadium, magnesium and other essential oils, such as phosphorus, potbadium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron , in addition to the boiling of rare metals such as iodine, sulfur, chlorine. It is a rich source of folic acid, thiamine, niacin, vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin B6 in organic compounds.It is one of the few sources of alesin, alesin, lysine, low calorie, saturated fat, sodium.

1. Tomato on saliva strengthens the immune system:

Garlic intake on saliva stimulates white blood cells by increasing glutathione. White blood cells are the immune cells that provide protection against infection while glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that protects immune cells against the risk of free radicals

. In a study of 120 people reduces the intake of garlic on the stomach of the severity of cold and flu by increasing the number of immune cells (T cells, killer cells) and strengthen the system Immune increases the immune activity of immune cells while lowering inflammatory proteins.

2. Garlic on the stomach prevents candida growth:

Garlic in the morning helped to inhibit the growth of Candida, a common type of yeast infection. Organic alicine inhibits the organic compound in the garlic to destroy the fat present in the outer surface of the yeast infection.

3. Prevent tooth decay if you eat garlic on the belly:

Garlic contains the properties of bacteria and plaque that build up on the teeth. Garlic treats oral infections such as gingivitis, oral castles, oral infections. You can use garlic on antibiotics or to treat resistant bacteria

4. Treatment of HIV when taking garlic on the stomach:

In a cell study, thallium diphosphide in garlic inhibits cell growth and selectively kill HIV cells. Diyalide diphosphide is also prevented from replicating the virus by reducing the production of proteins that cause HIV.

5. Treatment of stomach ulcers by eating garlic on the stomach:

Garlic contains anti-bacterial effects against H. pylori, l & 39; the most common bacterial species in the world. Studies have been reported as being the cause of gastric ulcers.Alicine in the garlic interacts with proteins, which leads to the staining of the pathway related to inflammation.

6. Garlic on the stomach to treat intestinal infections caused by parasites:

Garlic treats intestinal parasitic infections such as Giardia, tapeworm infection . The alkine contained in the garlic inhibits the movement, the absorption of food, the reproduction of parasites, preventing the formation of fat in parasites, improves the immune functions and strengthens the defense mechanism of the body against parasitic infections by stimulating white blood cells


The sulfur compound found in garlic reduces the growth of cancer cells and causes the death of cancer cells and reduces the growth of various cancer cells

7. Protection against brain cancer during the taking of Garlic on the stomach

] The sulfur found in garlic works Reduce the size of brain tumors by inhibiting the enzyme Alheistuni that causes death of tumor cells.

8. Garlic on the stomach prevents cancer of the esophagus:

The glycol sulfide acts on the garlic to inhibit the formation of tumors in the stomach. esophagus by disrupting the production of energy.

9. Garlic on the skin prevents the development of skin cancer:

Algin control of garlic sulfide controls the growth of cancer cells in the skin causing damage to the skin. DNA in cancer cells

10. Garlic on bad protects against bad cancer:

Dihydrite dihydrite in garlic inhibits bad tumors and promotes cancer cell death and inhibits growth.

11. Prevention of lung cancer using garlic on the stomach:

Calcium dichloride in garlic, which reacts with cisplatin, inhibits lung tumor and activates the calcium chloride pathways that cause tumor cell death and inhibit growth [1290910]. Stomach cancer stops: 19459011

Garlic contains a chemical that stops the growth of cancer cells in the stomach by activating protein enzymes [19659005] 13. Slows the development of liver cancer:

Sulfur compounds in garlic inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the liver and stimulate proteins that stop the growth of cancer cells and cause death

. Progression of Colon Cancer:

DiRealid dihydride in garlic inhibits the growth of colon cancer by stopping the proliferation of cancer cells and increasing the death of carcinogenic cells.

15. Preventing bladder cancer:

Bladder tumor in garlic is prevented by immune cell stimulation and detoxification of carcinogens in mice. Garlic increases the activity of lymphocytes that attack cancer cells. Garlic increases carcinogenic toxins through the interaction of the antioxidant enzyme.

16. Stops the growth of prostate cancer

S-allylcysteine ​​acts on the growth of cancer cells of the prostate by activating E-cadherin, the substance that stops the tumor. In cancer patients, the low level of E-cadherin is badociated with the elimination of a large number of cancer cells.

Garlic on the hip to treat skin and skin problems:

17. Treatment of allergies:

Eating garlic on saliva removes allergic reactions. Ethyl acetate in garlic acts on the suppression of FceRI protein, which is badociated with the release of inflammatory agents during allergic reactions. Garlic prevents inflammation during allergic reactions by releasing histamine.

18. Sunscreen:

Garlic protects the skin from ultraviolet rays by stimulating immune cells in studies in humans. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light, uric acid changes in the skin, causing the suppression of the immune system and reducing the inhibition of immune cells by reducing the uricinic acid concentration. Protection against aging:

Garlic acts to regenerate skin cells, it has anti-aging effects and increases the number of new cells. Antioxidants in garlic prevent the damage caused by free radicals. Garlic contains cytokinin, a hormone that promotes cell growth and delays aging through anti-aging effects

20. Stop Eruption:

The morning garlic on the stomach helps to stop rashes such as eczema and psoriasis.

S-allyl cysteine, which is present in garlic, is used to suppress the effect of allergens, inhibit free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in cells.

21. Garlic on the stomach prevents hair loss:

Garlic contains a steroid that treats baldness in patients, a type of hair loss diseases that result from immune cells that attack hair follicles. Diurel dihydride dihydride can inhibit the autoimmune response and stimulate hair regrowth by increasing immunosuppressive cells

. Reducing bad cholesterol levels by eating garlic on the stomach:

Eating garlic on the stomach in the morning lowers the cholesterol level by inhibiting the production of cholesterol in the liver . Studies have shown that harmful cholesterol causes blockage of blood vessels and arteries and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke

. Reduce blood pressure using garlic on the leg:

Garlic reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients, reduces blood pressure by increasing calcium and reducing the level of C-reactive protein that causes inflammation and hypertension. On the other hand, lack of sulfur plays a role in high blood pressure. Oresin is a compound of garlic sulfide that lowers blood pressure by increasing concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, which relaxes blood vessels and prevents constriction.

24. Preventing Heart Disease:

Heart Disease is Associated with High Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure, Increased Platelet Aggregation, and Hardening of Vessels blood. Platelets stop bleeding and coagulate vascular lesions. However, platelet aggregation leads to blood clots, which increases the risk of heart disease. Cholesterol reduces cholesterol, reduces blood pressure, treats vascular stiffness and prevents platelet aggregation in patients with heart disease.

25. To prevent obesity, take garlic on your belly and lower your weight:

Garlic warns Obesity by reducing body weight and preventing fat accumulation. Garlic inhibits proteins in fatty, liver and muscle tissues, which turn nutrients into heat instead of storing energy. A compound found in garlic inhibits obesity and contains hydrogen peroxide that activates enzymes that kill fat cells

. Garlic on the stomach for the treatment of diabetes:

Diabetes can occur due to heredity or obesity or hypercholesterolemia or pressure blood pressure or blood sugar. Insulin resistance occurs when the body does not respond to insulin, resulting in high blood sugar and a risk of diabetes.

Garlic reduces the activity of enzymes involved in the transfer of glucose to the liver, which is the main source of energy. Garlic can reduce insulin resistance by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks the drug

27. Liver Detoxification:

Poisons such as pesticides, environmental pollutants and chemicals cause oxidative stress and inflammation of the body. Garlic acts as an antiseptic for toxins through its antioxidant effects and sulfur-containing compounds in garlic, reducing oxidative stress and reducing inflammation.

Garlic removes toxins from the liver by increasing enzymatic activity and inhibiting enzymes. Oxidation and inflammation.

28. Protection Against Damage Caused by Liver Toxicity:

Garlic protects against damage caused by hepatic toxicity by high doses of Antibiotics and lead. Garlic acts as an antioxidant and prevents oxidative stress by reducing the action of free radicals, which prevents further damage to the liver.


Garlic helps in the treatment of renal failure caused by gentamicin antibiotic and renal damage caused by cisplatin, a chemical treatment.

Garlic contains a sulfur compound that acts as an antioxidant by inhibiting the action of roots that cause cell damage and increase the activity garlic antioxidant enzymes in the kidney.

30. Prevents brain damage caused by aging:

Free radicals are unstable particles that form when the body uses oxygen to produce antioxidants prevent the effect of free radicals by inhibiting molecules. Without the presence of sufficient antioxidants caused by free radicals in the cells.

Garlic contains S-allyl cysteine ​​antioxidants that protect brain cells from damage and enzymatic enzymes to reduce oxidation to reduce free radical damage

. Garlic on the hip to improve memory:

The increase in garlic intake on saliva of serotonin in the brain is a neurotransmitter that promotes cognitive performance. And cognitive performance by increasing nerve growth.

More benefits of garlic for men and your health See here

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