The benefits of pomegranate in diets.


  The Benefits of Pomegranates in Grazing
The Benefits of Pomegranates in Grazing. Our news, citing Mersal Neur, we publish the benefits of pomegranate in the regeem, the benefits of pomegranate in the diet.

  The benefits of pomegranates in diets

The benefits of pomegranates in fennel “/>

Our newspaper The benefits of pomegranate in diets are innumerable In addition to the taste of these tasty fruits, the benefits of pomegranate include: help dissolve fats, to enrich the fruits of food.A study conducted on a number of volunteers to measure the benefits of pomegranate in the diet Growth prospects of lipid cells around the l 39; abdomen

The benefits of pomegranates in dieting Pomegranate contains a high proportion of dietary fiber, which helps to increase the efficiency of metabolism and increase the feeling of satiety long, the pomegranate is poor in calories, as in the proportion of fat that contains, and in contrast is rich in water, pomegranate also benefits in weight loss, juice The pomegranate is a Healthy alternative to sugary drinks, and drinking a cup of pomegranate juice helps to consume fewer calories, with higher nutritional value, and pomegranate juice is used in the treatment of obesity. Research indicates that components of these antioxidant fruits and polyphenols play an important role. In the fight against

Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, which fight cancer cells, treat cancer and strengthen the immune system. Immune system. It is also rich in vitamin C, one of the essential vitamins that the body needs. Pomegranate preserves heart health and protects against vascular diseases and diseases, helps lower cholesterol and prevents fat in the blood vessels. (19659008) Snacking, made from pomegranate seeds, is a very healthy measure that helps dieting and burning fat.

Nutritional value of pomegranates in ripe pomegranate fruit: 84.20% water, 10.1% sugar, 3% protein, 2.91% ash, 2.91% fiber, 1% citric acid, vitamins A, B and C, as well as manganese, potbadium, sulfur, phosphorus and iron

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2018- 07-19 2018-07-19

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Source: Mersal Neur


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