The child kidnapped by the kidnapper recognizes 3 of the accused before the prosecution


The child Hisham Samy, kidnapped in front of a man from the city of Shorouq, is known for 3 accused of having kidnapped him in front of the New Cairo procuratorate headed by councilor Mohamed Salama, after the confrontation between them .

The Prosecutor of New Cairo under the direction of Councilor Mohamed Salama, chief of the prosecution, began investigating the kidnapping of the sunrise .

The preliminary investigations of the prosecution culminated in the confession of three accused of the crime and the possession of .

The prosecution now hears the family of the child and the attempt to identify the child with the eight accused, and to conduct the necessary confrontations with firearms and knives, with the $ 100,000 ransom reserve .

The security services had managed yesterday to identify and apprehend the perpetrators of the abduction of a child from the city of Sunrise and the safe return of the child into his family .

Security services revealed the mystery of the incident following a complaint from a bank employee at Al-Shorouq police station, according to which his son (7 years old) had been kidnapped by her unknown husband in front of her father's father in the third district. Paid a ransom for the return of the abducted child .

The investigators also discovered that the grandfather of the kidnapped kid had been threatened by the kidnappers to kill him if he did not pay the ransom, fearing the life of the kid. child and gaining more time. In order to locate the culprits, the grandfather of the child was coordinated with the child to pay part of the ransom for the accused .

Following the legalization of the proceedings and in collaboration with the Special Operations Forces, the kidnapped child was identified, released and returned safely to his family and the perpetrators (ransoms and firearms) were seized.

The necessary legal steps were taken regarding the incident, and the presentation to the prosecution that initiated the investigation, and the accused's discussion is ongoing. Drawing up to discover the details of the incident . [ad_2]
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