The collapse of the Houthis and the pursuit of remains near Zabid


The collapse .. The collapse of the ranks of the Houthis and the pursuit of remains near Zabid, which was published on Monday, July 9, 2018 14:15, "Many information sites and various news agencies and the concern of the Arab citizen without research About news and knowledge, we created this site Arab News News, which aims to provide information on the diversity of markets and interests of the Arab continent whether it's physical or sporting interests or economic or the latest technical and technological news or artistic interests We offer you a croissant and update the news and start with the most important news today, which are the news of "tithing, collapse of Houthi sects and pursuit of remains near Zabid."

(Arabic News) Monday 9 July 2018 02:15 Giant Brigades continued under the auspices of Yemeni national army, backed by the Arab Coalition, refining and styling the city of Tahita after the liberation of its buildings and markets from the grip of Huthi Iranian forces.

Yemeni national army forces managed to quell the remaining pockets of Huthi militias in the number of neighborhoods and farms, with rebel ranks collapsing on the impact of strikes violent, who received in the fighting, according to Sky News.

The sources said fierce fighting erupted in the western outskirts of Tahita, which was accompanied by aerial bombardment of Arab coalition fighters and resulted in the fighting killed and wounded in the ranks of the rebels .

Clashes erupted by coalition fighter jets along the line connecting the two departments of Al-Tahita and Zubaid on the western coast of Hodeidah province. The fighting killed and wounded the rebels.

The rebels are locked up in residential buildings in the west of the city, bombarding the liberated neighborhoods, causing civilian casualties, suffering severe water shortages caused by the rebels who bomb the reservoir of the city. 39, the main water supplying the city.

Yemeni army forces fought a number of farms where rebels were locked up, while Giant brigades pushed new reinforcements into the area

Hate .. Slots in the Houthis and hunting the remains near Zabid, I send it to you with love and love And sincerely during your visit with us dear visitors, do not confuse your opinions in the comments above because your opinions are always important first and last place , and do not forget to follow us on the pages of our site Arab News, on Facebook and Twitter And Google Plus, impress and follow the latest political, economic, technical, sports, technical, health and beauty news and the world Eve, as well as the various news and entertainment that await you immediately after the first occurrence, the stalemate. – The collapse .. The collapse of the ranks of the Houthis and the continuation of the remains near Zabid-Hatha .. Fights in the ranks of the Houthis and the pursuit of the remains near Zabid

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