The death toll in Tunisia rises to 9


The number of victims of the terrorist attack that targeted security forces in the northwestern province of Jendouba rose to 9.

Sufian Za & # 39; q, door of the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior, announced Sunday. The National Guard in the region of Ain Sultan in the province of Jendouba on the border between Tunisia and Algeria was attacked by the badbadination of a number of its members

L & # 39; 39 Tunisian official agency quotes Al-Zaq, saying that the attackers opened fire. Preliminary result of the killing of six security personnel in the attack.

And Bidu Tunisian television reports that members of the security forces were driving in two cars at the time of the attack and quoted a source of security: "The terrorists launched a bomb on the first car of the security forces and a confrontation with weapons. "

Tunisian border guards, in the Shahid region, which belongs to the Ghardamia region of Jendouba, near the road between the reserve and the Suria region. "

For its part, quoted Sky News, Tunisian researcher Khaled Obaid Can a powerful barrage of bullets, pointing out that the last balance of the dead

He stressed that" the party behind this attack may be the AQAP battalion of AQIM, which is in this region since 2013. "

The attack, Whose no one has claimed responsibility, as Tunisia prepares for the summer tourist season.

The militants' attacks since the 2011 revolution in Tunisia have killed dozens of security forces, as well as 59 tourists.The state of emergency is in place in Tunisia since two attacks in 2015 targeted on tourist areas , the first at the Tunisian museum in Bardot and the second on the coast of the city of Sousse, A third attack targeted the presidential guard in the capital, killing 12 people, and announced an organization claiming responsibility for previous attacks. [19659002]The BBC quoted the Carnegie Institute for Peace in Washington saying that at least 118 elements of the various Tunisian military and security forces have been killed since 2011 in attacks on their positions, along the western border with l & # 39; Algeria.

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