The Deputy Prime Minister of Italy supports the Accordance Government's request to lift the international embargo on Libya – the defense


  Matteo Salveni, Deputy Prime Minister and Italian Minister of the Interior, along with the Vice President of the Libyan Government of National Reconciliation, Ahmed Maatik, at the press conference held in Rome
Matteo Salfini, Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, met with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of National Reconciliation, Ahmed Maatik, at his press conference in Rome (Rome, 5 July 2007) Matteo Salveni The need to lift the international embargo imposed on Libya, which the Libyan government recognizes as an internationally recognized national agreement, has caused a shortage of material "The embargo against Libya must be lifted because traffickers and weapons do not care about the embargo, "Salfini said at a press conference with Libyan Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Maatik on Thursday afternoon in Rome. Italy will request the inclusion of aid to Libya at the top of the agenda of the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Interior of the European Union scheduled next Thursday in Innsbruck, Austria
. While waiting to "succeed in motivating" In another context, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister said that Rome "recognizes the recognized Libyan authorities and considers it our reference" in response to a question about the possibility of Italy's agreement with the commander of the army He added that "I do not rule out in the future that there will be contacts with d & # 39; "Other parties in Libya", which is "will be determined according to law and balance", stressing at the same time that it is "unacceptable" "withdraw oil and huge economic resources" Libya "by other parties For its part, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of Al-Wefaq Ahmed Mutteq said that Libya is suffering from a deficit of equipment and security , calling for support from Italy to lift the embargo and strengthen the capabilities of its security services.
Moteq said its talks ens with Salafini focused on "many open files" between Italy and Libya, not only on the fight against illegal immigration but also on the economy ". 430 million dollars), which calls for the lifting of the international embargo (End)

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