"The desperate situation of Hiatam and pushing her to the edge of the abyss"


Najwa Fouad: "The situation of Hayatm desperate and claimed by the lips" News Observatory citing the summary, we publish Najwa Fouad: "The situation of Hayatm desperate and claimed by the edge", Najwa Fouad: "The situation of Hayatm desperate and claimed by the lips »We send you our visitors

The News Observatory

The artist Najwa Fouad says she's sure to visit the Hayatem artist at the Misr International Hospital and confirmed that she is still in the recovery room. .

The "Najwa" in special statements to Masrawi, that the state of health of the artist Hayatm is poor and "hopeless", they do not respond to what is happening around .

The great artist asked the public to pray to him, and refused to disclose details of his health, saying, "Special needs and important that our Lord heals him and each patient. "

It is worth mentioning that the artist Hayatm had been exposed for several days to a high temperature and had been transferred to the International Hospital of Egypt, confirming the tests of the day. a serious illness and asking Hayatm not to disclose his state of health. Is the best .. and forwarding news from all news sources and facilitate their reading. Do not forget the IK work for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. With greetings from the family of the Observatory's information website.
"Hayatem's situation is desperate and her cause is in the heart", Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news constantly.

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